Annual General Meeting 2016
Concert, a journey to Ghana, new plans, many tasks. That’s how we could describe our annual general meeting in just four words. But of course there were more than just four words spoken, especially of the journey to Ghana, which Michael Altmann, Christoph Wenzl and Michael Wenzl made in september. However the members got not only stories to hear, but also a short video clip of the journey to see. In the first half of the video Taha and its residents are shown. This is followed up by a interview with Alhassan, which clearly pictures the current situation. With this video und other pictures of the journey we want to advertise our project even more in the next months. But the three members took not only pictures, they could also meet many responsible persons, such as the chiefs of Taha and the surrounding villages and they could convince themselves of the progress at the site.
The events in Germany last year were also successful for our NGO. On the first place stands, of course, the charity concert of “Lehra und Mehra” in June, were we could earn 6500 EUR.
After last years summary the planing and the further procedure were decided on. The meeting was closed with a group photo. We send the protocol to everyone who is interested in our work.
We will be pleased even more about new members. Just contact us our fill out the form (find it at “conctact”).