With red faces and hurting legs our athlets crawled off the court. But highly content. And this is absolutely right because of such a great performance! In total the 22 runners absolved 196 rounds at the “Guter Zweck Lauf” by the Sparkasse Cham on Sunday, the 26th of July. The distance was 1.325 km und they were given two hours to run as many rounds as possible for charity. For each round the Sparkasse donated 50 ct to the Chamer Tafel, Kinderkrebshilfe Cham and Bürger helfen Bürger. Another 50 ct per round were donated to a free chosen social project and thus our busy runners could raise 98 EUR in total for our assocciation. Amongst those who have taken part was the whole board of management, numerous members, but also friends and relatives, both old and young. We thank each runner for his engagement, as well as the supporters who provided water and motivation for us on the court. Another gratitude goes to the Sparkasse Cham and the ASV Cham for the successful organisation. We wish you all the best to cure out your muscle aches!


Big interest at the Fraunhofer’s schoolfestival

At nearly Ghanaian temperatures we could inform about our project at the Fraunhofer’s schoolfestival on the 17th of July. The Joseph-von-Fraunhofer Gymnasium Cham supports us since the beginning. Last friday we told the parents and teachers about the project in general and the progress taken. The children also enjoyed our stand, they could try out the typical Ghanaian game “Oware”.
The next event, which the Fraunhofer Gymnasium will organize for us, will be a charity run on July 28, whose total proceeds will be credited to the Taha-school-project.