Fascinating presentation in Untertraubenbach
Last friday, the 19th of june it was time for another presentation, where Christoph Wenzl, our chairman, had again the possibility to tell about his life in Ghana, the country and its inhabitants. But this time it was something very special for him, because he was invited from the elderly peoples group of Untertraubenbach, his home. About 40 people came to this occasion to listen to him, when he reported vividly about the country in Westafrica which became less and less strange after a short while. With many pictures he showed how it was to live and work one year in a small village in Ghana, where temperatures rise up to 50°, where hevy rainfalls can cause free days at school and where it is completely normal to eat with only the fingers instead of fork and knife. The most impressing part were the pictures of Wenzl’s journeys, many said, that they would not have believed that Ghana is such a beautiful country.
Of course our chairman advertised our project again. He proudly reported about the latest achievments at the site and he showed the pictures you see at the website below. The audience was enthusiastic about such a great engagement and made also a big donation. We want to thank the elderly people group Untertraubenbach a lot for this and for the successful afternoon.