Donation of “Lehra und Mehra” for the Taha-Schul-Projekt
Choireleader Andreas Ernst hands over the proceeds of the charity concert
What a great donation! 6500 EUR!! On Monday morning choire leader Andreas Ernst handed this check from the proceeds of the charity concerte, which the choire “Lehra und Mehra” in cooperation with the brassgroup “Volles Rohr Blech” and a string quartette hosted in the church “Maria Hilf” on the 4th of June, over to our chairman, Christoph Wenzl.
Not only this amount proves that the Nightconcert with lightinstallation was a full success. The audience was enthusiastic over the music and the interplay between the different ensembles. The minster “Maria Hilf” gave the perfect ambience for the impressive sounds and everything was underlined with Gregor Bauer’s lightinstallation. The concert was completely sold out and this is how the great amount of 6500 EUR came about. The money could be donated to our Taha-Schul-Projekt because every participating player forwent his fee.
We were also excited about this wonderful concert and we are very pleased about the donation. Once again we thank all the participants.