Charity run at the KAG
Still there is eager whispering and laughter but then suddenly silence sets in the assembly hall of the Konrad-Adenauer-Gymnasium(KAG) in Westerburg. Drum beating sounds from the speakers. Christoph Wenzl rises the students’ attention for the following programme with a short opening movie.
Because on June 11th there was neither maths nor German on the sixth graders’ timetable. Instead for two hours they got introduced to the life in Africa, the Ghanaian school system and the Taha-School-Project’s work. With the help of many pictures Christoph Wenzl impressively presented the everyday life in Ghana, he showed the capital crowded with cars and just as well crowded shops. The youths were carried away to a new world and they marvelled at the sight of the strange and surprising pictures from Ghana.
After the general introduction Wenzl reported on the student’s life in Ghana and especially presented the work of the Taha-School-Project. Beginning with the funding idea to the next planned construction projects he explained every detail to the students. Finally he showed a video of the borehole which was completed this year, which earned much applause from the audience. It was very important for Wenzl to stress the NGO’s tasks, since he wanted to show the youths on what their donations are spent.
This was the reason in the first place why our chairman travelled to Westerburg, because the earnings of the annual charity run will be donated to the Taha-School-Project this year.
The event as well as the talk were organized by the working group for development and peace (AGEF), a student’s union. The responsible of the group were very pleased about the talk as well as the supervising teacher and they assured that this gave the students extra motivation to collect donations on the charity run the following week.
And indeed, this is what happened, because the sixth graders were able to collect the amazing sum of 4800€. We cordially thank them for their donation and the invitation to the talk. We are always happy to talk about our work and motivate young people to get engaged. A special thanks goes to the members of the AGEF for the great organization.