Helping “Old Shatterhands”
On behalf of the whole NGO we want to thank the “Chamer Squash und Freizeitclub e.V.” for their donation of 1,000€ for our project. These are the revenues of this years sommernight-festival. The “Old-Shatterhand-Festival“, how it is widely known, attracted a lot of people in Pitzling for the 31st time this year. With the donation the Chamer Squashclub wants to give us starting aid for our planned start of construction.

Raimund Huber und Hans Schmaderer (li. u. re. außen) vom Chamer Squash- und Freizeitclub e.V. übergeben im Beisein von Schulleiter Uwe Mißlinger die Spende von 1000,- € an die Betreuerin des schuleigenen Kinderhilfswerks, Wally Kutscher, die damit das Taha-Schulprojekt unterstützt.
Furthermore we thank the Joseph-von-Fraunhofer Gymnasium Cham, which supports us since the beginning within the framework of their children-social-aid unter the chair of Wally Kutscher and which accepted the donation for us. Special thanks goes to StD a.D. Christian Nowotny, who adverted our project to the chair of the Chamer Squashclub. (Originalreport: